Why Realm Weaver?
That is a good question.
There are a lot of Virtual Table Tops out there, and more are in the works. On top of that many players prefer an experience close to playing around a table. So why another platform in a different direction?
I thought about how to answer that question a lot, and to put it simply, I think it could be better. More immersive, deeper, faster, better for RP, easier for the DM, and could produce something more interesting to watch. Sure there is a lot to be said about sitting around a table with friends rolling your magic joy rocks. Putting nostalgia aside though, a 3D immersive environment could appeal to a much wider audience. Playing online is also so much easier in a lot of ways, and for many the preferred, or only option.
Better how exactly you say?
Play in an immersive interactive environment. You are where you are you see what you see. To pick up that tome you have to holster that shield or sword. You hear things relative to where you are. Less explanation is required from the DM and the players should have fewer questions.
Cut down on Metagaming. You look into a room, only you see what is there, with an automated description playing only for you with details that can’t be seen, the smell, or the feeling you get. If you notice or look at something only you get the information. Rolls are made automatically and secretly automatically providing any additional information you might receive. It’s hard to pretend you don’t know that role was failed, or that another enemy is approaching. Let’s take that out of the scenario.
Speed up combat. Everything is automated and working like it should. No looking up or forgetting modifiers. AI-controlled minions/summons and minor NPCs. Cover is calculated automatically.
The chance to actually play your character. Create a detailed unique character, highly customized with scars, tattoos, warpaint, and sigils. Give them customized animations for melee or spell attacks. Then act with them using an RP interface, lip synched to your voice. With most information not heard by all it naturally will prompt interaction between the players. Not everyone is a professional actor and wants to play in front of the camera.
Get more for less. Meaning more rules, options and systems. When the game is handling it all the GM and players have to worry about it less.
Editable into a movie. At the end of a session, the GM could edit the events into a compressed version, choosing camera angles, and adding expressions and animations.